3 Emerging Technologies That Are Going to Change the World

To most, we truly are living in the “future”. The technologies that are currently under development are set to change the world forever, and that goes without mentioning the ample technology we all use in our day to day lives that would have seemed like magic just a few decades ago. However, some technologies have more potential than others. In this article, we will take a look at three

Ensuring Online Visitor Privacy: Your Duties as a Website Owner

While it might be the case that website design and functionality greatly matter when the website is being developed, often the legal complexities of this process are overlooked. However, it is crucial to form an awareness that legal requirements are just as important as aesthetic and operational considerations for a website. This article delves into the legal essentials for lawful website

What Truly Agile Companies Do – and Why That’s More Important Than Ever

Agile frameworks don’t actually create agility. And that’s a problem, because agility is more important than ever. Consider the past five years: The pandemic. Work from home. Supply chain challenges. Geopolitical instability in Europe and Asia. The rise of crypto and the rise and fall of NFTs. And then AI. And all in just the past five years! This is not a phase: it is the new normal.

Upskilling Agile Teams for AI: Training Programs and Resources to Help Teams Gain AI Competencies

The world of AI can be a tricky one to understand and inhabit. There’s so much jargon floating around that if your team is totally new to AI, it can feel like an uphill battle to figure out what’s required of you when it comes to comprehending and using this new technology. Luckily, there are tons of resources out there on the internet to help you, and many of them are completely free to access

How to Make Your Real Estate Business Agile

Agile methodologies have been adapted by businesses from all kinds of industries, including technology, food, and ecommerce, as well as software development. We’ve already discussed how agile methodologies can benefit real estate businesses, but if you run a real estate company - or you’re looking to start one - then you might be wondering just how you can implement this method yourself.

Agile working and working on what really matters

Readers of this site will be well versed in what ‘Agile Working’ or ‘New Ways of Working’ is all about. Essentially it is about breaking down the traditional barriers, adopting different management styles, thinking differently about workplace design and looking at effective approaches to improving collaboration and communication. Traditional working practices have more recently been coined as

Why Do Businesses Offer Promotional Deals to Customers

When you’re an entrepreneur, you need to find every advantage you possibly can to outdo your competitors and bring customers to your door. Of course, you should stop short of anything illegal or shady, because customers won’t appreciate you engaging in such behaviour and you could do irreparable damage to your brand. Otherwise, though, everything is on the table, and one of the most common

How Can an Agile Approach Benefit a Real Estate Business?

The agile approach has been adopted across the business world. Whether it’s aeronautics, education, or ecommerce, there’s arguably no industry that wouldn’t benefit from implementing the agile framework to boost productivity and free up teams’ creativity. Naturally, real estate is another industry in which the agile approach could have a huge transformative effect, but many real estate

All set to go AGILE?

As your big transformation to AGILE working gets closer to that ‘go live’ date are you ready? You and your organisation have really spent time understanding what it means to become a more agile business. If all goes according to plan, then you will have a good fix on the improvements your customers will experience. You will have written your agile working HR policies and the training to bring

10 Types of Businesses That Could Benefit from Agile Methodologies

If you’ve heard of agile methodologies before, then you may well have considered implementing an agile framework for your own business. However, you might be wondering whether the agile method would work within your industry and for your business’ particular way of doing things. Generally speaking, agile methodologies are perfect for pretty much any kind of business, but they truly shine

What Every New Business Owner Should Be Aware of When Starting a Company

Starting a new business can be an exciting yet daunting endeavour. There are many things to consider and prepare for when launching a company. Being aware of potential pitfalls and challenges beforehand can help new business owners strategically plan and make the right decisions. Here are some key things every new entrepreneur should keep in mind when embarking on this new chapter. Create a

Inventory Management in Dealership Software: Best Practices for Optimal Stock Control

In the dynamic landscape of the contemporary automotive industry, the significance of proficient inventory management, including dealership management software development, cannot be overstated. It stands as a linchpin for the triumphant performance of any dealership. In order to remain not just relevant but also thriving in the face of relentless competition and ever-evolving customer

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